Thursday, February 16, 2012

Operation Birthday Cake?!

I did not know such an operation existed. I wanted to share the link where you can purchase a birhday cake for a deployed soldier!

Operation Birthday Cake

Friday, February 10, 2012

A View From A Veteran

Last night I shared a blog post from a crazy "military wife" after seeing a friend post it. Today I want to share with you a post by a veteran responding to the the Vermont woman had to say.

Please enjoy its written well. This SOLDIER makes a lot of good points.

Thursday, February 9, 2012

I Apologize For How You Will Feel After You Read This

A friend who is a military spouse herself as well as an avid fighter for our troops shared this link on her Facebook account not even an hour ago today. The reactions were many, but mostly anger came to rise after many military spouses and plain old civilians read this woman's post.

Although she is probably not the only one to think this way she did choose to share it and I didn't have to read it or respond but I am. I'm sure we are all giving her just what she wants - hits on her blog and increasing popularity in her sick mind, but I think people should see this crazy woman's rant.

I think the military and all soldiers should be respected. I personally don't think that there is a superior army wife or that there are different stages of being a soldier. I respect all of them because even though some get to feel a sense of normalcy and only go to drill on weekends many for example, have felt the pain of deployment.

I'm not usually one to single out and attack a person but she is not only making her husband look terrible she has disrespected his uniform and the Army by wearing it the way she did in her pregnancy photo. She has put herself on such a high pedestal saying that she is so much better than these other women.

If National Guard Soldiers don't count then why do we still have them? And why do people continually sign up to be reservists?

I hope that someone in a higher chain of commmand can reach out and find someone to knock some sense into her before a fellow military wife finds her and has a nice little chat with her. I know a few that would love to make sure she walked away with a black eye or two.

If I've learned one thing from my friends that are military wives it is that they are strong women who fight for what they believe in and they wouldn't take this crap from anyone.

Where Have I Been?

I have been gone so long from this blog I don't know what to do with myself. It has been so long since I've posted a lot of things have happened. To name a few I graduated with a degree in photography! My friend Kymber's husband is now home from his deployment! And I will be shooting my first military wedding this fall! I am going to try really hard to keep up with this military blog.

I wrote a little bit in the past year about my relationship and the steps the boyfriend is taking to join the military. Not much had changed, he is still here and he would rather not discuss it. After all he is still a guy. :)